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Botox Treatment: Procedure and side-effects
Botox treatment is a type of cosmetic surgery that is done to enhance the appearance of a person. As we grow old, wrinkles start developing on our face. These wrinkles are the indicators of ageing. Botox treatment hides these signs of ageing. This...

FUE Vs FUT Hair Transplant
Hair transplant is the method to restore hair loss, which has become a common problem nowadays. We all lose some strands of hair daily. It is normal if we lose up to 100 strands of our hair. The problem starts if we start losing more than 100 stra...

Male Breast Enlargement: Causes and Treatment
The male breast enlargement is medically known as gynecomastia. It is a medical condition which results in the enlargement of breasts in human males. Gynecomastia can affect one or both the breasts of males. Treatment is available for this medical...