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PRP for Hair Loss in Manipal

PRP is the Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. As the name implies, this procedure of hair restoration involves the use of a patient’s plasma to restore his lost hair. Unlike the FUT and FUE methods of hair transplantation, it is a non-surgical method. Therefore, this method to restore the lost hair is suitable for the persons who are afraid of undergoing surgeries or for the patients who are unfit for the surgery. Radiant Roots Hair Transplant is the best clinic for PRP for hair loss treatment in Manipal.

What Do We Do in PRP Hair Treatment?

In PRP hair loss treatment, our surgeons take some of your blood as a sample. Then this blood is sent to a laboratory for the extraction of plasma. In the laboratory, your blood is spun in a machine called a centrifuge. This machine separates all the components of blood, plasma is one of these components. The processed blood is then sent back to us from the laboratory. After receiving the processed blood from the laboratory, we call you for further process of PRP treatment. The plasma is then injected to the affected part of your scalp.

This plasma helps in healing the damaged tendons and ligaments, which in turns supports the hair repair and regrowth. Visit our clinic for the best PRP for hair loss treatment in Manipal. The patients who are searching for the affordable PRP hair treatment cost can also visit us. We bring all the hair restoration services at the cost that all the patients can afford easily.